Weapon regulations on the Trace defer to state law in many, but not all respects. The basic rule is that “Any firearm that is legal to possess under state law may be carried in your personal vehicle while traveling the Natchez Trace Parkway.” In Tennessee, the possession of a handgun outside one’s vehicle requires a valid state permit. However, even those without a license may possess or carry a firearm in a motor vehicle. Any firearm that is legal to possess under state law may be carried on your person while outside of your vehicle, but handguns require a valid state permit while within the boundaries of the Natchez Trace Parkway.” Individuals must be in possession of their permit or license at all times while in possession of a concealed handgun in Tennessee. Open carry is not addressed, but as it is illegal in Tennessee without a valid Tennessee handgun carry permit, open carry on the Trace in Tennessee requires a valid Tennessee handgun carry permit as well. However, this does not authorize such carrying in federal buildings. Proceed at your own risk. Note that other federal law applies to certain facilities and visitors should heed all postings.