2016 Rangemaster Tactical Conference

The 2016 Rangemaster Tactical Conference is mere days away.  I for one am extremely excited.  So is fellow lawyer and shooter Tiffany Johnson who is hosting her own “Countdown to Awesomeness.”  I will be posting pictures of the conference during and afterward.  

The presentation schedule is jammed packed.  Last year I attended more lectures (head knowledge) and fewer labs (practical application) than I plan to attend this year.  Right now I am planning to attend lecture courses on: police-citizen interactions; church security; the psychology of crime and how law-abiding citizens can best de-select themselves as potential victims; studies of active killers (mass shootings); and  threats the U.S. will face in the next few years, including everything from street gangs and drug cartels to ISIS and other domestic and foreign terror groups.

The labs on tap include: basic grappling techniques for the entangled fight; shotgun skills; escaping from handcuffs, zip ties, ropes, and other commonly used methods to restrain victims; effective deployment of the defensive folding knife;  reacting to live, thinking, moving opponents in real-life circumstances;

Last year I finished 11th in the shooting match.  I will be content to repeat that performance among this group of great students and teachers.

Presenters include: William Aprill; Massad Ayoob; Darryl Bolke; Andrew Branca; Wayne Dobbs; John Farnam; Tom Givens; Chuck Haggard; Marty Hayes; John Hearne; Jim Higginbotham; Spencer Keepers; Larry Lindenman; Steve Moses;
John Murphy; Karl Rehn; Paul Sharp; “Southnarc”; and Dr. Martin Topper.

If you haven’t already signed up, too bad: